8 best WordPress backup plugins compared


Regular backup is one of the best things you can do for your website unless you are planning to get your website hacked or crashed. It not only gives you peace of mind, but also guards your website from losing all of your website data.
If you have a WordPress website, it is pretty easy to take regular backups. All you need is a plugin to solve the purpose. There are numerous backup WordPress plugins available online which can be easily installed and integrated in the WP website.

Cool Full Screen Search for your Blog

Our forums is a great place where we do not have only support questions but also many suggestions, ideas and more.

A while ago we had a forum post started by @amartist where he asked for a button to open a full screen modal and have search form in there. He even went extra mile and sent us a sample code of what he wanted to achieve.

The snippet on http://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/full-screen-search by mouse was the thing he was looking for.

We converted snippet into a WordPress Plugin within 10 minutes and now anyone can create a full screen search in their WordPress Blog.

Usage of plugin is simple.
1- Install
2- Activate
3- add a menu item with link #ult-fs-search

To download plugin https://github.com/ultimatumtheme/FullScreenSearch/archive/1.0.zip
You can also contribute to the plugin at github

Have Fun!