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Our members created lovely and unique sites with Ultimatum.
The BEST thing about Ultimatum is that even I can design my own site from scratch and not be dependent on using someone else’s theme. I love that concept and I love the fact that it’s a reasonably intuitive process using Ultimatum.
-PETER KANEI use Ultimatum as the framework for all of my client projects. I’ve sought other ways to deploy unique websites, but nothing stacks up to Ultimatum’s ease-of-use, scalability, and depth of features.
-NICK KASKUltimatum has changed the way that I work and the scope of the work I’m prepared to take on. I’m 100% convinced that with Ultimatum, a few well chosen plugins and some lateral thinking that I can produce anything my clients require – on time and within budget. I know that when I start a project using Ultimatum that I can finish it, support it and develop it further when the clients needs change. My investment in Ultimatum has been repaid a hundred times over in paid for work – there aren’t many things I have bought in my career that I can say that about!
-IAN BLACKFORDI have tried almost all of the so called «Best» frameworks in the market and always end up coming back to Ultimatum. So do not waste your time, invest in Ultimatum and start enjoying the truly Best Framework available with the Best Plugins. Ultimatum and Intense Plugin has helped me to do things I have never dreamed I could do.
-LIONEL VALENTINUltimatum has dramatically improved my workflow building WordPress websites for my clients. The unlimited widgetized, drag and drop template layouts and the premium plugin toolset literally allows me to build anything my heart desires.
Bravo Ultimatum!