Bringing Flexbox to the Ultimatum Menu

FlexBox is often described by those who stumble upon it as the ‘Holy Grail’ of web design. The problem is that it is not so well supported by older browsers, and Internet Explorer in particular. But not any more, thanks to the folks at 10up, who have open sourced Flexibility, a polyfill that uses JavaScript to allow FlexBox to work with Internet Explorer versions 8 and 9. (more…)

Using Search & Filter Pro with Ultimatum

Yesterday (24 January 2016), we released the Ultimatum 2.8.7 and WonderLoops 2.0.8. Aside from addressing some bugs, adding support for PHP7 and pagination in the Custom Loop widget, these new versions of Ultimatum and WonderLoops added support for the amazing Search & Filter Pro plugin from Designs & Code. The development teams from both Ultimatum and Design & Code worked together to integrate our products. So, what’s the story? (more…)

Bootstrap 4 IS Coming!

Bootstrap 4 is coming

With the imminent release of the second alpha for Bootstrap 4 by the Bootstrap team, it still seems like only yesterday that the two founding team members, Mark Otto (@mdo) and Jacob Thornton (@fat) released the Twitter Bootstrap framework. In fact, it was four years ago. Much has changed, and much more is about to. (more…)