Ultimatum Social Share
Your site lacks social share buttons! This was a comment we have heard too often since we changed our site. We were using Jetpack buttons but they were not coming cost effective in means of requests etc. So we decided to crate our own social share plugin.
We used the great jQuery plugin by @_JulienH called Sharrre to create Ultimatum Social Share Plugin.
We have included some of the demo views as well as some extras.

Ultimatum Social Share Skins
Each Network is selectable and sortable in Ultimatum Social Share so you will be able to select among 6 social networks and select their display orders.
The settings screen is very simple ase you can see below.

Social Share Settings Screen
Simply select skins for before and after content from 5 skins.
Select your post types you want to be shared
Type in your twitter id to be mentioned
Let Pinterest know your default image
Drag and drop the networks you want in the order you want
Hit Save and magic happens.
Ultimatum Social Share Plugin requires you to have Ultimatum 2.7.3. Both are available on your ToolSets
Until the time you can use it on your own sites share away!
Excellent plugin thank you! I have been using a different one up to know but this integration saves me a lot of extra work!
Glad you liked it. We also were struggling between plugins and decided to write out own.
You guys are awesome! Thanks so much 🙂