WordPress Loops are now more fun with Wonder Loops 2

Wonder Loops - WordPress Loop Generator

Wonder Loops : WordPress Loop Generator

WordPress Loop… The heart of any WordPress Theme. The part determines what to show and how to show… The long waited Ultimatum Plugin WonderLoops 2 is here!

WordPress Loop? What is that?

WordPress Codex defines the loop as:

The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. Using The Loop, WordPress processes each post to be displayed on the current page, and formats it according to how it matches specified criteria within The Loop tags. Any HTML or PHP code in the Loop will be processed on each post.

To simplify WordPress Loop is the part in your theme which shows your page/post content. Uh oh and it is written in PHP code so it is code.

Ultimatum Theme’s approach on Loops

In Ultimatum’s layout editors we have a Loop Element which gives our users many options but is not limitless and is bound with the core WordPress elements of a content. Which means Custom fields are not there and you need to use hooks to our loop to show them.

Birth of WonderLoops

We have introduced Wonder Loops at October 2014 to our members. To be honest it was an experimental plugin to see the extent of Ultimatum and what we could do with custom post types. First problem with custom post types was the custom fields which we overcame thanks to Elliot Condon’s powerful plugin Advanced Custom Fields. For new comers, ACF currently powers more than a million WordPress sites. Second problem was a bigger issue how could we make our members to create their WordPress Loops without any code? The solution was to use a customised Visual Composer interface which would work with all fields possibly created by core WordPress and ACF.

As the results were wonderful we called it the WonderLoops. As mentioned it was experimental and we were to go forward according to the reactions we might get. The reactions were greater than we expected which made us to decide to develop it more.

The first release was only working with ACF’s simple fields where ACF has many powerful fields like repeater fields, Flexible Content and many more. With Elliot’s help we were able to get Wonder Loops to work with all those fields. Wonder Loops 2 now can create very advanced WordPress Loops with use of all fields available in ACF.

So what can you create with WonderLoops? Answer is simply anything! You are only bound with your imagination as you are with Ultimatum. You can create a property website, a directory, a movie database or a library application within your website.

Wonder loops is a free plugin for our PRO license holders.
See Ultimatum Plans & Pricing


    • Hi there,

      No it is not possible as it needs Ultimatum’s unique approach to loops as well as the highly customised version of Visual Composer included in Ultimatum. But we might have a different standalone solution later.

  1. I have used the Wonderloops for this site: http://www.bolder.nl (Dutch) and I must say it works great. In combination with Advanced Custom Fields I was able to give my customer an easy way of maintaining their activities, venues and even a catering price list. With the PHP feature in Wonderloops I developed great looking bootstrap lists to present them on the “wonderlooped” pages. Everything without touching an external editor; and my customer never has to touch anything that could break the site.

    • Johan- the site looks great and using Wonderloops PHP code to create presentation lists for the customer has got me thinking of ways that I can give functionality to clients, without giving them elevated permissions. Thanks for the tip.