We are sharing a special trick to get one of the best WordPress hosting under $20/month. With this you can have a great performing secure site.
It happened! WordPress Rest-API is in WP Core
Long waited core addition happened today! The most waited and referred as the next big thing should be in WordPress the REST API is now in WordPress core.
Thank you @markoheijnen GlotPress will miss you
I believe I just got throned out of the @GlotPress project. I do want to thank all the people I worked with. You people were great !!!
— Marko Heijnen (@markoheijnen) October 1, 2015
Our translate portal is running on GlotPress which is a BackPress application and @markoheijnen was the lead developer we say was because he left the project.
Where to Find Free Stock Images for your website? The Ultimate list
Images are the essential part of the web design. You need to select the correct image to tell your story and bring your design out.
There are plenty of companies selling stock images and you can generally find a suiting image to your need in those web sites. However sometimes there comes a point where you cannot afford the price. Thankfully there are several sites giving out free images and they can suit your needs. (more…)
How to chose a color scheme for your website
When you are designing a website the images, the content and the typography would only look great if you have a great color scheme. (more…)