Member Spotlight : Design Conscious


Our guest in Member Spotlight today is Ian Blackford of Design Conscious. Before starting our interview here is what Ian thinks about Ultimatum in short:

Ultimatum has changed the way that I work and the scope of the work I’m prepared to take on. I’m 100% convinced that with Ultimatum, a few well chosen plugins and some lateral thinking that I can produce anything my clients require – on time and within budget. I know that when I start a project using Ultimatum that I can finish it, support it and develop it further when the clients needs change. My investment in Ultimatum has been repaid a hundred times over in paid for work – there aren’t many things I have bought in my career that I can say that about!


Useful Insights on doubling your hourly freelance design rates



The decision to work as a freelancer is influenced by a variety of factors. If you’re the one who has made up his/her mind to serve as a freelance web designing professional, then it’s quite essential for you to be familiar with some aspects related to the same. If you want to banish the false statements regarding less income inflow in web design freelancing career, then I would suggest you to go through everything that’s been covered in this post. Trust me, a failure to abide by these insights would probably keep you competing in the never-ending bidding wars associated with making maximum money via web design freelancing on an hourly basis.

Best WordPress Database Plugins You Shouldn’t Ignore



People love WordPress simply because it makes their web life easier and faster. After having earned a lot of traction, WordPress has transpired to be the most commendable CMS among its users. It offers thousands of plugins to streamline our blog search and extend the overall functionality of our website. And when it comes to optimising WordPress database, nothing can beat the power of some feature-rich WordPress database plugins that help keep a track of our data and thus revamping our site performance.