Collaborative Translation for Ultimatum and Addons


Since version 1 of Ultimatum we have included a .pot file for making it possible to translate to any language. The translation with PoEdit or alike software is not so hard but learning a new software and its perks is not an easy task. Our new translation portal allows collaborative translation for Ultimatum and its add-ons with a very simple to use interface. (more…)

Member Spotlight : Design Conscious


Our guest in Member Spotlight today is Ian Blackford of Design Conscious. Before starting our interview here is what Ian thinks about Ultimatum in short:

Ultimatum has changed the way that I work and the scope of the work I’m prepared to take on. I’m 100% convinced that with Ultimatum, a few well chosen plugins and some lateral thinking that I can produce anything my clients require – on time and within budget. I know that when I start a project using Ultimatum that I can finish it, support it and develop it further when the clients needs change. My investment in Ultimatum has been repaid a hundred times over in paid for work – there aren’t many things I have bought in my career that I can say that about!


Blogger Outreach: What is it, and How To Do It Right


With the online world growing at such an impressive rate, everyone is in a race to the top — the top of search results that is.

All over the web you will read about SEO and how important it is for every website looking to rank in the top 10 results of a search engine like Google if they want to increase traffic and authority. While no one will argue with the fact that SEO is important, it’s not the only avenue for gaining exposure for your site, blog or product.